To Be A Pilgrim?

Pentecost Pilgrimage
On Pentecost Sunday, we had hoped to encourage parishes to consider making a prayer walk/ pilgrimage to Southwark Cathedral, praying for your community as you go. Our prayer focus was to be upon places of education, health care, government and entertainment. They need our prayers more than ever!
Whilst it is unlikely that we will be able to make a pilgrimage on Pentecost Sunday, it doesn’t stop us praying purposely and perhaps, making a virtual journey. Within your church tradition and utilising whatever means feels natural (telephone, video conferencing or within a family unit at home) could you make a similar pilgrimage? One idea would be to take a map of your parish or deanery; identify the places of education, health care, government and entertainment and map a route between them, returning to your parish church at the end. Then, with others or alone, create a virtual prayer walk or pilgrimage which takes you to each destination. (Some reflective music might help you create the space between each destination.) On ‘arrival’ at each point on the map, pray alone, or with others for those who work there and for their roles. Then journey on to the next point on the map.
This is just one idea, but you may have more creative ones. Let’s think about how we can pray for our communities in an imaginative, purposeful way. Physical or imaginative journeys can be a great way to centre on the missionary God.
Please contact Jay Colwill by email for more information.

Jay Colwill: An Introduction

I am the Revd Canon Jay Colwill; Canon Missioner at the Cathedral, and also the Director of Mission and Evangelism for the Diocese of Southwark.
Born in Wokingham Berkshire, my missionary experience began on Southampton docks, whilst working for the Missions to Seafarers. I went on to read Politics and Social Economic History at Manchester and then Theology at Nottingham University where he received his B.A. and Mth. In 1994, I served his title in an ‘urban priority area' parish in Reading, before moving down the M4 to Bracknell After nearly ten years in the Oxford Diocese, in 2003, I moved to Christ Church Orpington, where I also served as Area Dean to Orpington Deanery, and Assistant Missioner in Rochester Diocese. My diocesan responsibilities mean that I travel widely across the diocese to support parishes and deaneries in mission. When I am not enthusing about the subject of mission, I relax by cooking, cycling and travelling (particularly to France).